Nitin Rai

Postodctoral Associate, ND State University. 1231 Ladd Hall, Albrecht Blvd., Fargo, ND 58102, USA


Data-driven agriculture

As an agricultural engineer working closely with precision agriculture technologies, I take a data-driven approach to visualize and monitor farming operations. To address these operations, I integrate advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) approaches with the data obtained from various ground and aerial-robots to address in-field and site-specific tasks in agriculture. With over four years of research expertise, I am proficient in Python, skilled in data visualization using RStudio, possess theoretical and applied understanding of AI algorithms. I have a track record of publishing research findings in top-tier journals, coupled with strong communication skills and the ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment. Overall, I am blessed to work on cutting-edge research while hoping to lay a foundation for incoming researchers. I believe that the future of agriculture is data-driven. But what matters the most is how well do we manage, process, and interpret this data so that the farmers, stakeholders, agricultural technology providers, and extension specialists could be benefitted from it. I strongly believe in the quote below:

Data is the new currency but it will be useful when it is turned into action.

My academic background

I am a Postdoctoral Associate in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at ND State University. I obtained my Ph.D. in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering at ND State University in 2023, working with Dr. Xin (Rex) Sun as a member of the NDSU Sun Lab. Prior to this, I earned my master’s degree in Agricultural Engineering with a specialization in Agricultural Systems Management from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India. While my two years at the institute, I worked in the Soil Physics Lab and was advised by Prof. B.S. Das and co-advised by Dr. R. Machavaram. I also hold a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Engineering from Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences (SHUATS), India. You can find my extended CV here.

Work philosophy

My work philosophies are inspired by Biblical heroes and their perspective towards life and calling with a purpose.